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Insight - Golfer's Elbow Vs Tennis Elbow

Golfer's elbow is an inflammation of the medial epicondyle, while tennis elbow is an inflammation of the lateral epicondyle. Golfer's elbow is an overuse of the inside of the elbow (the flexors), and you can remember it because the inside of the elbow is smooth, like the golf ball. Tennis elbow is an overuse of the outside of the elbow (the extensors), and you can remember it because the outside of the elbow is fuzzy, like the tennis ball. Increased grip pressure during the release is a common problem with both golfer's elbow and tennis elbow. Hitting off mats can also cause issues with either golfer's elbow or tennis elbow. A third common issue is a release that is more dominated by flexion/extension as opposed to pronation-supination. After you have completed rehab of the forearm and shoulder/neck, you will want to work on these technical issues to help minimize reoccurances.

Tags: Member Question, Intermediate


00:00:00.170 --> 00:00:02.129
this skull smart insight is

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understanding tennis and golfer's elbow

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so I obviously if you have some pain go

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get it checked out by a medical provider

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I'm going to say that probably four or

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five times during this video because I

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don't want you to watch this video and

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think you understand everything that's

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going in on to your personal situation

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but there's a lot of golfers and we've

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had a couple questions about well what's

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going on I've been told I have golfer's

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elbow or a tennis elbow how what can I

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do to fix it so I'm gonna help you

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understand kind of what's going on with

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golfers or tennis elbow how to

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differentiate the two a couple things

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that you can work on technically but I

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want to say it one more time make sure

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you go see a qualified medical provider

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go through the physical therapy make

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sure that you clean up the imbalance in

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the forearm as well as the imbalance in

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the shoulder and neck that could be

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contributing to it

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okay so golfer's elbow tennis elbow is

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an overuse injury of either the extensor

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muscles which will connect to the

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outside of the elbow or the flexor

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muscles which will connect to the inside

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of the elbow the easiest way that I've

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learned to remember is it golfers or is

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it tennis elbow was actually from

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another golf pro Dave Phillips if you

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look at the inside this is your medial

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epicondyle and you'll see that even on

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most hairy men the inside of the forearm

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is going to be relatively smooth like a

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golf ball golfer's elbow is an

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inflammation or an overuse injury of the

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tendon where all these flexor muscles

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connect to the medial epicondyle tennis

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elbow on the other hand is the outside

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which is where most men have hairy arms

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so just like the tennis ball is fuzzy

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the outside the arm is fuzzy tennis

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elbow is more the extensors where they

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connect to the lateral epicondyle so one

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way that you can experience the

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difference between the two movements is

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if you put the where the movements that

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exasperate this pattern if you were to

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put your hands just above the the two

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bony parts those are the epicondyles if

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flex your wrist you'll feel this muscle

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activate or this group of muscles

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activate if you extend your wrist you'll

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feel this group of muscles activate what

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ends up happening is if it's more the

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tennis elbow it's going to be more an

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overuse of the extensors now that could

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either be from overusing this movement

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or from decelerating this movement which

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is why it's a little tricky to just

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diagnose through video contra or the the

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same thing is if I'm overusing the

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inside here it could be from actively

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doing this movement or from resisting

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this movement so it's not that one

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particular release is going to cause

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golfer's elbow and one particular

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release is going to cause tennis elbow

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in fact the the more common thing that

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I've experienced with working with

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golfers is grip pressure is going to

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have a higher influence as far as

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whether you're going to get tennis or

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golf elbow than any of your release

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styles because what will happen is as

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you as you're getting close to impact if

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you have a lot of pressure and you're

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kind of creating a lot of tension in

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your forearms and an attempt to square

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the club face or to prevent the club

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face from turning over that added

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resistance is what's going to relate or

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contribute to this inflammation process

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so grip pressure is one of the number

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one things that you want to try to work

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on if you're battling one of these two

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scenarios if you you want to make sure

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that you have light grip pressure in

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transition and you want to make sure

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that you have light grip pressure

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through the release if you feel like you

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are holding on for dear life

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it doesn't matter how much physical

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therapy you do when you go back to

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swinging it's going to come back up the

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second one would be overuse from

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practicing on mats so the mats do not

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have nearly as much give as the ground

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outside and frequently tennis elbow

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golfer's elbow is going to develop as a

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result of slamming the club into the

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ground again with

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this increased grip pressure you rarely

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see the tennis elbow or golfer's elbow

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situation on people who are just kind of

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keeping a relatively soft forearm as

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they're working through the wall so

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that's the number one thing to work on

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you can remove the stress to give it

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some rest by not hitting off of mats and

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then the third piece would be looking at

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the release pattern so the the two

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common ones you'll see will be higher

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handicap amateurs tend to get golfer's

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elbow on the right arm but the more

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common is to get tennis elbow on the

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lead arm from doing more of a chicken

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wing and more of a kind of scoop release

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kind of like this ideally the release

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should have a little bit more of a

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rotational stabilizing component than a

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flexion extension and stabilizing

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component if you work too much in this

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flexion extension then you are running

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the risk of developing this overuse

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pattern especially if you have some

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facial restrictions going on through

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your neck through your shoulder that

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contribute down to these form issues so

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if you have if you've been told that you

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have golfer's elbow tennis elbow get

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plenty of rest get the inflammation down

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do the soft tissue work to try to

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rebalance it do the strengthening

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exercises to try to rebalance it but

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then when you come back to golf you have

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to work on decreasing your grip pressure

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avoiding really steep contact get off of

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mats at least temporarily until you've

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got it completely resolved and then

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third working on your release style so

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that it's not so much of a bracing

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flexion extension but it's more of a

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smooth rotation that little recipe tends

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to work really well for getting people

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out of the long term problem pattern

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that can be tennis elbow or golfer's

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elbow so even if you don't have golfer's

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elbow or tennis elbow but you want to

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understand your swing more head over to

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golf smart check out our

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membership program where you can submit

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a swing and we'll tell you what's going

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on in your transition or your release or

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any other key issue that you're trying

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to solve with your game

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