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The Putting Grip (myview)

My view of how to take a grip.

Playlists: Putting

Tags: Putt, Set Up, Drill, Beginner

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Okay, now we're going to go through the first person view of taking a grip because I know

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that this one is a little bit challenging and I do mention in the manual there is

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there are lots of successful grips on tour. I'm going to show you a version of the

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Vardin Overlap which is probably the most common but there's a few keys if you're

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using a traditional arc style putting stroke you're going to see these keys highlighted

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as we go through the grip. So the first thing you can see is that I'm holding the

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putter at the end of the grip with the right hand and putting my lead hand or my

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left hand on first. So I'm going to show you the two contact points. The first

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one is the first knuckle of the index finger and then the second one is called

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the capitate joint and it is the middle of your palm. It's kind of if you were to

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bring your pinky and your thumb together it would be right where those guys are

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right where the muscles at the end of your hand crease. Those two points are what you want

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up against the side of the grip. This will put the the putter running along the the

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axis of rotation or along your forearm and it'll put the pressure points right in the

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middle of your palm. I'm going to place the putter right along there and then I'm going

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to close the grips so that my finger pads are up against the opposite side of the grip

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from my palm and you can see that my knuckles are straight. So this version you can see

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I'm gripping the club in the fingers very much the same way I would for the full swing.

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And you can see that the putter is resting on the right pressure point on my index finger but

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is not on the capitate joint or the palm pressure point. Okay and so what this would do is my

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forearms and the club would be rotating on different planes so I'm going to have a little bit

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more difficult time controlling my wrists. By the way if you do prefer straight back straight through

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which I think the overwhelming majority of forepads are not straight back through straight through

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they're probably a handful. This is actually how you should put or how you should grip if you

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were to put straight back straight through. But let's go into the more traditional and more

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arc putting stripes. So they're I'm going to put the putter on the capitate joint first finger

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fingers look good. Okay so I've got the the putter grip in the good positions and now I'm going to

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slide my right hand into position. I'm going to show you a couple different ways but I'm going to show

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you right now the key pressure point. It's again that capitate joint which is the palm of the right hand

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I know you're going to be sick of me saying capitate but it's a it's a critical piece for most

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good putting grips. So that joint is going to go right up against the the knuckle on my middle finger.

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I'll show you right now so that part is going to press perfect right up against the the last knuckle

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on my middle finger and that's going to provide pressure kind of going in towards the grip

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from my hands instead of top down and then I'm going to place the putter in my right hand so that the

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first knuckle of the index finger is also the last pressure point and my fingers are

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gripped in the palm and flush up against the shaft. But here's the quick view of just the right hand

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so when I took my finger out of the way you can see pretty much from the capitate joint to that index

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finger you can see a little trigger finger in the right the right index finger that gives you a lot of

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feel and a lot of control. So there's my quick left hand and my right hand and one thing I want you to see

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here is notice how my hands kind of melt together. I don't like to see a lot of spaces or gaps so

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if you saw if you could see the space between my pinky finger of my right hand is flush up against my

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left hand my hands are really working as one unit. Okay so this is the the last little finishing piece

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you're going to I'm going to show you a couple different variations for the index finger

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some guys like it to sit on your middle finger the knuckle right there some guys like it to sit

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all the way across all three of the fingers of the right hand and some guys actually like to have

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that index finger touching the putter grip as I just had there so those are three different options

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that you can play around with to figure out which one makes it feel like your hands are the most connected

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in the most stable and now I'm going to put my hands down and you can take a look at what the

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full putter grip looks from my perspective um I'll even take a few strokes for you so thumbs are down

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the top hands are melted together the only thing that's going to control the movement is going to be my

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upper body my rib cage and my shoulder blades so that's the first person way of how to take a standard

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barton overlap grip with the putter shaft running up the forearms um give it a try if you're

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you normally have just been using the same grip as the rest of your clubs this will make a huge

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improvement right away

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