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Swing Analysis - Jason Day

Jason Day is known as a great ball striker. But statisitically, he has amazing wedge play, putting, and driving. His iron play is actually below average statistically. Watch this video to understand why Jason has the pattern that he does!

Playlists: Unhinge in the release

Tags: Analysis, Member Question


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in this analysis video we're gonna take

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a look at the swing of Jason Day

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now Jason Day has been number one in the

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world before he's one of the leak

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golfers of the last five years in this

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video we're gonna talk about what he

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does to dominate so well off the tee and

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why he's such a good wedge player and

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we'll also talk about one thing that he

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does with his body and one things that

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he does with his wrists that will help

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you immensely if you can put them into

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your full swing so for starters let's

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talk about the one thing he does with

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his body that makes him such a

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consistent driver and wedge player and

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for these two really high-quality clips

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a lot of thank mikaƫl field he's got a

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great youtube channel and he said I

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could use them definitely go over and

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check out some of his other videos he's

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got some really good high-quality

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slow-motion looks like it's off a tripod

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a couple of really good camera angles

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here so here we have Jason from the same

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exact day using driver and then a wedge

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and the thing that we're gonna key in on

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is Jason is the king of the anti stall

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and what I mean by that is many golfers

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struggle with kind of their body

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stopping at impact and having lots of

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hand action and wrist release down at

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the bottom what we'll see with Jason is

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that through impact and into the

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follow-through you'll see the club head

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the hands and the torso tend to rotate

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almost at about the same rate so one

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little image that I'll draw for my

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students is if you look at the

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relationship of these three segments

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when it comes to driving the ball the

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later you can have the club catch up

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with your chest usually the better so

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you'll see when we take Jason through

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it's not until he gets to about here we

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can see the angle of the club out that

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way we'll move this a little bit more we

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can see the angle of the club out that

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way pretty much in line with his chest

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so between impact and that

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follow-through position right in there

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his chest was still leading hits arms

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and hands now he does a great job of

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getting some good ilnur deviation which

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we'll talk about next and he maintains

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that connection of the or the

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relationship between the hands the club

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head and the chest for well into the

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follow-through and you'll see that it's

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not until he has the club up to about

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here that he really uses his wrist to

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absorb the speed of the club when many

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golfers struggle with a chicken wing

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it's that the club is passing their

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chest by way of what the wrists are

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doing down here at the bottom so if you

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imagine that Jason throws his chest

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right there and the club just started

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passing like this well something would

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have to absorb the speed the wrist by

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itself wouldn't have enough capability

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so he would bend the elbow shrug the

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shoulder and have a little bit more of a

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classic amateurish finish but because of

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the relationship and how jason has

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squared the club face he's able to keep

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the chest ahead of the club for a long

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period of time that's a trademark that

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you'll see with a lot of good drivers

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the golf ball and that's also a

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trademark that you'll see with a lot of

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good wedge players now the difference is

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you can see the timing wise that Club is

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pretty much in front of his chest right

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now so just after impact it's not

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waiting all the way until shaft parallel

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but he's going to maintain the

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relationship of that chest arm hand

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connection because he's using his his

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core in his body to move his arms in the

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club more so than he's using his wrists

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for someone who has some of the best

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hands and is consistently up in the

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elite category as far as strokes gained

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around the Greens you'll see that he

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does very little with those hands and

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wrists in his wedge shots let's talk

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about one more thing that we can

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highlight from these face-on views

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so looking at these two different impact

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positions if we're looking at a

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relationship between say the ankle the

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hip and the shoulder you'll see that

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there's slightly different alignments

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with a good long Club swing or a driver

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swing you're going to see the body

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having this tilt away from the target I

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call that a bracing position and it

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involves using your hips in your core to

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absorb the speed of the club trying to

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pull towards the target that way

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typically good long irons and good

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drivers the golf ball are gonna have

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this tilt or access tilt away from the

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target if you see this in your wedge

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game you're likely to struggle with fat

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shots and thin shots and may even fall

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into having the yips

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now on the contrary with the wedge shot

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you'll see a fairly vertical or stacked

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position on top of the golf ball with

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more level shoulders and earlier

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straightening in the arm the swing will

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be more powered by the body and or sorry

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more powered by the arms and the body is

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getting things in position so that that

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arm powered movement makes solid contact

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now if you look like this with wedge

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shots you probably have very good

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contact but if you look like this with

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your driver you'll typically struggle

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with a steeper angle of attack and

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probably hit either low pulls or low

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push cuts I think it's important to

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recognize that while the swings may feel

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very similar there are some major key

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differences in how elite golfers swing

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the club with the driver and what they

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do with their wedges if you're trying to

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make the exact same swing with all clubs

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it's likely that you'll struggle with

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one end of the bag or the other

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now from the down the line we're going

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to take a look at how Jason blends his

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steeps and shallows we can see an early

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transition that he's got a good

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contribution of his legs for producing

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power we can also see that he's using a

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little bit more of an arm Pole in

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getting the club in a more vertical

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position than a lot of the elite ball

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strikers now one of the things that

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appears to be towards the higher end of

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tour average is you can see that his

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upper body is working away from the golf

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ball a fair amount during his downswing

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now I've found that golfers who have

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that tendency on their 3d tend to have a

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hard time hitting half shots and kind of

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touch shots and this may be one of the

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reasons why Jason is known for having

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one gear and swinging pretty much full

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at every single full swing now from that

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steepening position one of those shallow

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movements is moving away with the upper

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body like so but one of the other big

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shallow movements that he uses is the

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unhinging of the wrists and that's a

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common one that we'll see in most body

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powered swings now what you'll see is

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from right about here somewhere around

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delivery position you'll see that

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there's a fair amount of unhinging of

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the wrist and the club is working more

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vertically down the screen than it's

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working out so the body rotation will

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contribute to causing the club to go out

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that way across the screen but it's the

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arms unhinging that bring the club down

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so if you tend to see that from about

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shaft parallel somewhere right about

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if you tend to see that from here to

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impact is when you tend to get steep and

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you tend to struggle with more pulls or

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diggy contact then it's likely the

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unhinging move that you have to practice

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I have a few different drills that I

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like to use to work on it but it's one

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of those key moves for creating

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shallowness down at the bottom of the

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swing if we compare that to his wedge

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shot you'll see that he has a similar

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amount of unhinging through here but

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we'll see that there's a little less

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body drive and as a result in having

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less of the access tilt which we saw

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from that face on view

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see that as he gets the impact he's got

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a little bit earlier straightening of

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the yarn he's using more of his arms and

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his shoulders as his power source but

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still getting a pretty good amount of

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unhinged to help shallow things out

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we're over here you could see that he

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still has some a fair amount of bend in

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that arm because he's powering it more

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with his lower body but he still used

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that unhinged movement in order to

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create some more shallowness to his path

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so if you want to hit the ball like

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Jason work on unhinging of the wrists

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through the key time during the release

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and work on your body continuing to

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rotate on the way through it's also

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important to understand that Jason is

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not the pinnacle of iron success he's

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typically around a hundred ELINT or as

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far as strokes gained with his approach

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shots but he has had a few good years

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where he's done exceptionally well but

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historically he tends to be around 100

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if you tend to get steep with your arm

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movements in transition then know that

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you're gonna have to shallow it out

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somewhere one of the most common ways is

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what Jason demonstrates which is moving

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the upper body away from the golf ball

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if you want to understand your pattern

00:09:37.350 --> 00:09:38.790
better then head over the golf smart

00:09:38.790 --> 00:09:42.029 there you'll learn about all

00:09:42.029 --> 00:09:43.920
the different key movements that build

00:09:43.920 --> 00:09:45.990
up the stock Tour swing if you're not

00:09:45.990 --> 00:09:47.070
quite ready to sign up for a free

00:09:47.070 --> 00:09:48.570
membership but like how we break down

00:09:48.570 --> 00:09:50.310
these different movements then please

00:09:50.310 --> 00:09:52.470
like this video and subscribe to our

00:09:52.470 --> 00:09:54.089
youtube channel that way you'll be the

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first to know about it whenever we

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create new video content or whenever we

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host our live Q&A session

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