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Connecting The Dots

This video explains what we are trying to do during the golf swing and why. Use this information when looking at the other sections and working on your game.

Set Up

  • Position the body for displacement of the club, and loading of the hips, core, shoulders, wrists


  • Move the club as far away from the ball as possible while positioning yourself to use the large muscles of your body to create force during transition


  • Sequence your body from the ground up in order to maximize force on the club and establish a good path, and use the arms and hands to start squaring (closing) the face to the path.


  • Direct the speed created toward the golf ball and establish a shallow flat spot in the swing arc, and continue to close the face to the path.

Tags: Fundamentals, Concept, Beginner

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This concept video is connecting the dots.

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So we, at the Galsmord Academy, we like to take the movement of the Galsmord Wing and break

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it down into a minimal number of positions and movements.

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Well in this video, we're going to take kind of a broad perspective and help connect the

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dots as far as how these movements and positions kind of tie to each other.

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So we'll try to kind of keep it a streamlined as I can, but we're going to try to cover

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a lot of information.

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So hopefully then when you go through the different movements or positions in the stock

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full swing, it makes a little bit more sense.

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So let's start with the three kind of things that we are trying to do are the three goals

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or drivers of the Galsmord Wing.

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I'm trying to take this implement, take this golf club, and the club head is all that

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really matters.

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I'm trying to create speed and get this club head moving.

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I'm trying to get this club head to move on a specific path so that it makes contact with

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that golf ball down there and I'm trying to orient the face in space to that path.

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So that sounds pretty complicated, but those are the three major goals of a Galsmord Wing.

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And we can use different feedback as far as what we're doing with setup and what we're doing

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you know, backswing, transition, release.

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They all give us effects to those three keys.

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So let's just go through almost as a timeline how setup affects the backswing,

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how backswing affects transition, how transition affects the release, and how we release affects the

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follow-through. So we'll start with setup. Let me grab a chair because we're actually going to do

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a quick little demo.

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Okay, so I'm back with my chair. We're going to talk about three different aspects of setup.

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First is going to be posture. Second is going to be the grip, and then third is going to be the

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ball position. So posture, the main reason we want to get into this kind of athletic posture,

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or the main reason we want to hinge from the hips as opposed to hinging from the spine. This would

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be more of what we call es posture in my lower back, or rounding my spine, which would be more of

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sea posture, is we want the spine to be able to rotate, and we want the hips to be able to rotate,

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and function as well. Part of the reason why is the backswing pivot, one of the big goals is to create

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the opportunity for speed. And so the whole picture of the backswing is we're trying to get that

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face oriented to this path, absolutely. But the big thing is we need to create what's called displacement.

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The further I can move, the further I can move this golf club away from the golf ball,

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the more potential power I have, or really the longer I'm going to have, or the more distance I'm

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going to have to apply force to this grip, which is going to help speed up the club head. The whole

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purpose of this backswing is we're trying to displace or move this club as far away from the golf ball

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as we can. Now, in doing so, I also need to make contact with it, right? So I need to be able to

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control that path. So it wouldn't work too well if I were to kind of go away like this because then

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when I got moving, I would have a harder time making solid contact. So we have some requirements

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that limit a little bit the creativity that most of us would have with hitting this golf ball.

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So let's go through this setup posture and why we want to hinge from the hips. And to do so,

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I think it's always easier to just kind of go through a little example so that you can figure this out.

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So I'm going to have you sit towards the front edge of your chair,

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get my microphone out of the way. So you're going to sit towards the edge of the chair, so your

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feeder flat. Sit up nice and tall, put your arms across your shoulders, and then go ahead and

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rotate your upper body just like so. Now try to do it without really shrugging your shoulders.

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So you're really just trying to rotate your spine in your rib cage. So I'm trying to turn like this.

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Okay, that gives you a baseline of how much you can turn just your upper body.

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Now what I want you to do is slouch or round your back and try to do the same movement.

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And what you'll find is that it's going to limit how much you're able to turn and so what most

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people will do is they'll start moving more with their shoulder blades.

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Now during the golf swing and during the back swing section, we talk about how that spine is going to

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straighten up or lengthen. So it's not so much that if I start bent over, I'm not going to be able to rotate.

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Because I'm going to lengthen my spine anyway, so I will be able to rotate as it lengthens.

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The bigger issue is if I start with this rounded posture, it's going to make it much more

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difficult for me to start the swing with my core. So I'll be more likely to start it with my arms

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of my shoulders. If I start the swing with my arms and my shoulders, then my shoulders are going to

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run out of range of motion before my body does. And when the shoulders run out of range of motion,

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when they get kind of across your body and up, that's frequently when you'll feel this stretch

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and the brain gets the impulse. I've kind of completed my backswing it's time to go into the downswing.

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So if I'm in this rounded posture and I just pick up my arms, the club is not going to cover nearly

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as much distance and I'm not going to use the big muscles which can apply more force as if I

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would make a good pivot the way we describe in the backswing. So keeping this spine relatively

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neutral helps support all that that we're trying to do in the backswing. So now what about the hips?

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Because my glutes are one of the most powerful muscles in my body if not the most powerful

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muscle in my body. How could set up effect that? Well, if we bring our chair back in,

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because that'll just unweight the leg and I'll do it facing you so you have a perfect vantage point

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for my range of motion. So if I was to raise this leg up and then try to rotate, here we have

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compared to zero. I'm just going to rotate my hip out like so and I can actually feel like

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my glute media is starting to want to cramp. So you saw as I had this leg up I had an X amount of

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range of motion. So now if I have that leg down here, here we'll do it this way. So if I have that

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leg down there you can see that I can turn my hip a little bit more than if I have my hip up here.

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You can see the range of motion increased. So essentially if I get into S posture that's pulling my

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pelvis down towards my thigh, it's almost like pulling my thigh up towards my pelvis,

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which typically limits range of motion. Same thing if I were to flex my knees a whole lot,

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that can limit my ability to turn into my hips as well. So that's why we want to bend from the hips

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and let those arms hang with our weight kind of evenly distributed with our with an

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our feet depending on the shot we're trying to hit. So so now let's take a look at the grip

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and how that affects what we're going to do in the back swing. So during the back swing we're trying

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to get these displacements happens that we're trying to get the club as far kind of up and back

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away from here as we can, while preparing to use those big muscles during transition. So that

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displacement during the back swing is going to come from the arm working somewhat across my body

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as well as slightly up. If I compliment with the right side it ends up looking like that. Well,

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so I'll do them, sorry, with the club. So if I was to have those arms work kind of across and up,

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just like so. Well that up is going to largely be an extension of this trail risk and a hinge

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of this lead risk and some golfers either start the transition motorcycle or they wait until

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actual transition to begin it. But the risk need to have free motion in order to get into that

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set position otherwise. So if I grip it more in my palm, I have to have more of the displacement

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done by my elbows and you can see that that's going to affect how my wrists are going to be

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able to transfer that speed and energy on the downswing. So the whole purpose of this really

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good grip is to allow freedom of motion of the wrists and to give us a good platform for

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being able to start orienting that face. Now the last piece is ball position. So if I was to get set up

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either with the ball too far back or too far forward. Let's just explore those. So if I was to

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set up with a ball position too far back, instead of that I'm still going to be able to hinge

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from my hips, I can still take a good grip. But now what would happen is if I make the exact same

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swing it's going to increase my angle at attack. So what we'll frequently happen is that we'll

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mess up my sequencing because my body will have to stay a little bit more behind. I won't be able

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to get that good transition shift that we'll talk about here in a minute. Conversely, if I play the

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ball too far forward, it will encourage me to get a very good lower body shift and I would

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if I had to air on one side for the swing that I prefer, we will tend to have the ball position

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more forward than more backward or often. But if I had it too far forward, it could potentially

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limit how much I'd be able to rotate my body through the shot because in order to get my club

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kind of down towards the golf wall, I would have to keep my chest a little bit more rotated and

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close because as this left shoulder moves away, that pulls this left arm further and further away

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from the golf ball and it would just make it that much more difficult for me to get the bottom

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of my swing ahead of the golf ball because the distance would increase. So the three major keys

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for this setup in this swing are posture, ball position and grip. So now if we move into the take away,

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it takes away a relatively simple motion. It's more or less going to be starting this pivot which is

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a combination of rotation and side bend that gives the appearance of starting of maintaining my

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spine angle. Now in order to do this one piece take away this take away that happens more from

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the rib cage, my core is going to initiate the movement. By initiating the swing with the core,

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it's going to delay a little bit when those arms are going to reach the top of the swing and it

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can help with rhythm and timing because everything will reach the top of the swing more together.

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If I was to start with more of my arms, now my arms have pretty much, my left shoulder is essentially

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reached its end range motion. I can already feel a little bit of a stretch there and so my shoulder

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wouldn't be moving during the remainder or the setting phase of the back swing. So if I reach that

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end range of motion too soon, I kind of have to hold those muscles on stretch and that's going to

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make it a little bit more difficult for them to create speed effectively. So the backswing

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were using the arms to create this displacement and to match the height or to match the pivot

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to create kind of this shaft plane or basically the direction the club is going to want to swing

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on the way down or make it easier for it to swing on the way down. But the big thing is during the

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backswing, we're going to have these arms going into certain movements because they are going to

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prepare for where they want to get at the end of transition or delivery position. So let's

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discuss transition because it'll make more sense what we're doing in the backswing if we understand

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what we're trying to do in transition. So in transition, I'm trying to create speed. So if I'm

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hitting this way, I'm trying to create speed into that club head in the direction of that's

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already. So similar to any rotational sport like baseball, if I was throwing a wall,

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I'm going to shift my weight onto my front foot and then rotate around it. If I was hitting,

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there was going to be a very little shift but there's going to be a shift and then I'm going to

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rotate around it. If I was doing tennis, even millennium style, there's going to be a slight shift

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and then turn that shift into rotation. So in golf, it's no different. The typical shift

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for its work row is going to be somewhere between four and six inches. That means that there are

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some who are below, there are some who are above, but the average is going to be about four to six

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inches. Now the average width of a pelvis is going to be somewhere around 12 inches. So we're talking

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about kind of a third to half a pelvis width from the top of the swing, they're going to

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or as they finish their backswing, they're going to shift into that front foot. Now I should say

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that transition is basically shifting from rotating to the right or to rotating to the left.

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And so it happens for different parts of the body at different times. It's going to have a general

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trend of moving from the ground up to the club. So the last thing that's going to change direction

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is going to be the club. So that means by the time that the club is changing directions,

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I should have already started my lower body and then possibly even my core. So if I'm facing the

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camera and kind of hitting this way, as I get to write about that setting phase, my lower body is

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actually starting to shift directions. It's not going to move, but basically what's happening is

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it's slowing how fast it's rotating this way, which means I've already started to shift

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rotating towards the target. So the lower body is going to start and that lower body going first is

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going to create a stretch in my core or between my pelvis and my ribcage. And then my ribcage is going

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to create more of a stretch in my shoulder. And now I'm at the end of my transition on this really

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good path where the club is going to be going right at that golf ball with a face that's already

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starting to close because of what the arms did. So the body movements were trying to get these

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big muscles to create this rotational speed, starting with a little bit of a weight shift, and then

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this rotation combined with side bend. What the arms are going to do is in order to start the club

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face closing towards the target, the wrists are going to do what we call the motorcycle move,

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or they're basically going to rotate the club slightly closed about on average the difference between

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setup and impact is going to be about 20, 25, 30 degrees for each. So basically going this way.

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So a lot of that is going to happen during transition. And during transition this left elbow is

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going to bend slightly in that wrist where there's a slight narrowing of the distance between

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yourself and the club. That narrowing of the distance, if we get way back to the path and what we're

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trying to do with impact, that narrowing of the distance allows for this certain amount of side bend

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and rotation. And it delays the straightening in the arms which helps create a flat spot in my path.

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So we refer to it on our site as the Komoflatsbot because as far as I know Chris Komof was the first person's

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study this and kind of hypothesize it back in 2011. We're basically the flat spot which is essentially

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a place where this club that's swinging around me in a somewhat circular orbit has a more of a flat

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look to it than a curve to it. And that flat look to it gives us the ability to have the bottom of our

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swing ahead of the golf ball as well as helping control some of these path relationships.

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So I'm going to make that good transition with starting from the lower body going through the core

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and then my arms are basically ready to fire during the release. So now most of my pressure is

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going into my left foot. My arms are kind of in this narrow distance right here is what we refer to

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as delivery position. Now from delivery position basically my wrists are going to continue

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the left wrist is going to be rotating and the right arm is basically going to be

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extending. The wrist is going to extend through the shot but I'll be making contact with the ball

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kind of something like here as it's going into that out position. The lead wrist is going to be

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trying to more or less rotate but it's going to get changed from this boat or motorcycle position

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too pretty straight because of what the right arm is doing. At that same time the body is going to

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be bracing and essentially pushing through that left leg to help propel those arms into their

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follow-through position. So while impact is going to be more or less with my hand slightly ahead

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that left wrist pretty straight the right wrist slightly bent and then that elbow kind of

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in towards my side, body rotated 30 degrees, side bend about 30 degrees, hips open even a little bit

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more about 40 degrees. While I'm in that whole position basically what's happening during the release

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is those arms are extending and those legs are extending in a very athletic movement.

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If you lack that body rotation in that arm extension it's going to be very hard to have the

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bottom of the swing be shallow enough to have the bottom of the swing roughly four inches out in

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front of the golf ball. So hopefully that helps clarify or help you understand why we're making

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these movements and why I refer to the follow-through position is kind of the end of the swing

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because I'm pretty much done from there and then whatever I do whether it's you know Arnold Palmer

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or you know someone a little bit more classic doesn't really matter it's more of a sign of how

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you absorb the force but everything that you do up until this point has a direct impact on either

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how you're going to create speed, how you're going to control the path of the club bed or how

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you're going to orient the face to that path. So as you go through your stock full swing just keep this

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overview in mind and we'll break down each of these key phases and key positions to into

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the key details which will give you drills and ways that you can practice them at home and ultimately

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figure out your way of incorporating these movements into your golf swing.

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